semuanya tentang ak dan kehidupan sekeliling..,ak x kisah lansung kalau korang nk komen apa2..,ak just terima dengan hati yg ikhlas..,well manusia kn..,sering melakukan kesilapan....

Tuesday, 13 September 2011


I dont really know love
I didnt know it would come to me like this
My heart doesnt act like it wants to in front of my love

If I knew I was going to be like this,
I wouldn't have started in the first place
Like a fool, I am regretting this late

I wished that you wouldnt be my love
I wished that it wouldnt be you
You deceited me, telling me that its not love

I hoped that it would be a passing by fate
Because painful wounds will be left on me
But even when I know this, I am still greedy
It keeps getting me sad

I thought that it was a wrong start
I thought so easily
I believed that I could always call you

What should I do?
Where did it go wrong?
I need to avoid this love

I wished that you wouldnt be my love
I wished that it wouldnt be you

I hoped that it would be a passing by fate
Because painful wounds will be left on me
But even when I know this, I am still greedy
It keeps getting me sad

Now if its not you, there is no meaning to anything
I can't contain myself anymore
The fact that I have to erase you
Today again,

It makes it even more hard..

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